Monday, May 3, 2010

Off to the Races

Sure, Super Saver may have won the Kentucky Derby over the weekend but we're talking about running for fun and charity! This is the time of year to really begin kicking your preparation for 5k and other charity runs into high gear. Many people like the opportunity to compete with other runners or themselves, and charity runs are a great way to do this. Not only do you get to enjoy the race and give your workouts some greater incentive, you also get to help others. We want to encourage people to take advantage of the summer weather and the opportunities to race. Are you looking for races in Ohio? Go to,7912,s6-239-283-284-0-0-0-0-OH,00.html to see Runner's World's list of races in our state for the 2010 season. The list is long, so you should be able to find races based on both location and date. We encourage you to find races and make the effort to train hard and beat your time this year!

Not at a high fitness level? That's ok! A "5k" race means it is 5 kilometers long: that's only 3.1 miles. Also, many races offer you the opportunity to join a run and a walk heat (group of people who start a race at the same time). This means that no matter your fitness level, you can help others by joining in to raise money for a good cause. And most races offer prizes (some door prizes and others based on place and category) and t-shirts or other memorabilia. We encourage you to find your race this summer.

Remember to keep your feet in mind when racing this season. Nothing will derail your training progress or your ability to excel in the big race faster than foot and ankle problems. When any problems arise, including pain or injury, don't hesitate to call our office. The sooner we can begin treating your injury, the sooner we can have you at performance levels and out training again. Also, make sure that your shoes are in shape for this season too. Old shoes will land you in our office and off your feet quickly. Check to be sure your shoes are in good condition and replace them if they are not. They should offer adequate support to your arches, and plenty of padding as your feet continually contact the road. Remember to always lace your shoes fully. And don't forget: we're the experts on your feet and foot health. As such, you should feel comfortable reaching our office if problems arise. Happy running!

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