Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tips to Avoid Over-Eating

Over-eating is one of the biggest problems we see in our society that contributes to excess weight. Portion sizes are still at an all-time high. You need to be aware of portion size if you are to avoid over-eating. It is a good idea as you start a diet to actually weigh and measure food until you get an idea of portion size. If you are eating twice the serving size listed for an item on its nutrition facts, then you are getting twice the calories and fat listed. If you cannot eye-ball an amount accurately, then you need to be extra cautious of serving sizes, even measuring and weighing items to be sure you've got it right. Eventually, you will have a better idea of the accurate serving size for an item and you can save yourself some time and effort by not measuring. Here are some more tips to avoid over-eating. If one does not help, then move on to the next. The more of these tips that you can include, the lower your risk for over-eating, and the more successful your diet and exercise plan. Try to modify all your over-eating behaviors.

-Plan meals and snacks in advance. Having an eating schedule prevents impulsive eating.
-Focus on your food by eliminating all other activities while eating. Don’t read, watch T.V., or talk on the phone.
-Eat slowly. Savor every bite of food. Notice the flavor and texture—really taste you food. It is also a good idea to put your utensil down between bites. If you are eating finger food (like a sandwich) then put the item down between bites. It may also be helpful to count to five or even ten between swallowing one bite and taking another. This will slow the rate of your meal. You can also take a sip of water between bites: not only will it slow you down, but the water will help fill your stomach.
-Eat in one place in your home. This area of the house, such as your dining table, should only be used for eating. The idea is that you associate this location with eating and nothing else. It will also help you disassociate other areas with eating, especially in front of the television- the place where most of us snack most often.
-Don’t clean your plate. Don't feel obligated to clean your plate when dining. Eat until you’re almost full because it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to send signals to your brain that you're full.
-Eat on smaller plates with smaller utensils. Downsizing your potions by using a smaller plates and utensils gives an illusion of eating more food.

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