Monday, July 13, 2009

Sepak Takraw

Are you looking for a challenging game to play with your feet? Try Sepak Takraw. Sometimes this game is known simply as Takraw (like in Thailand). It is a sport that originated in Southeast Asia and is popular in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos, the Philippines and Indonesia. The object of the game is similar to volleyball, to pass the ball back in forth over a net, but in this game you cannot use your hands. You may use your feet, knees, chest and head to get the rattan ball onto your opponents' side. The sport has a variety of names, especially in different countries including: thuck thay, sepak raga, sipa, and footnis in Australia. This game has been played since at least the 15th century (the oldest historical reference to the game) and the official rules were established in the 1940s.

The net for Sepak Takraw should be set at 1.52 meters high or about 5 feet off the ground. There are 3 players per side. A point is awarded to either team when the ball touches the ground on the other side of the net, not just the scoring team. Games are played to 21, and they must be won by 2 points. The game has 2 sets, and a third tie breaker set if each team wins one set. The tie breaker set is only played to 15.

This could be a fun game to try as a family, or at a picnic or other cookout/outdoor event. You can use a badminton or home volleyball net, and could substitute other balls if you are not able to purchase a rattan ball. It is especially interesting to see how dexterous your feet are, since most of the sports we play involve your hands. It can also help improve soccer skills, as it works on flexibility, creativity, and eye-foot coordination.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Nice Takraw article. There's been a site launched this year for a UK Association that is trying to raise awareness and support the sport in the UK.

The site distributes Takraw equipment (currently nets and balls) through it's official shop

e.g. synthetic Takraw balls

The site has many community / social networking features and Takraw information

If you love Takraw - Check it out and spread the word!