Monday, April 12, 2010

Let's Go Fly a Kite

Spring is a blustery time, and the best season for Kite flying. This activity has been around for a long time, and still continues to intrigue children and their parents. There are few better activities during the spring. Kite flying is fun for entire families, and children of all ages. It requires few materials and set up. It can be done in any climate or area, as long as you have open space (this could be the beach, a prairie, or a park). It encourages your children to get fresh air, and think of activities they can do outside. Kite flying also encourages your children to exercise (I can't think of anyone who can fly a kite without a little running around or jumping!). Best of all, kite flying is just plain fun.

Here is a website link for building your own kite. This is a great activity for children to occupy an afternoon or weekend. Spend one day making your kite so it's ready to go on the next windy day. Click for simple kite making instructions. You can also buy kites to enjoy outside if you don't wish to construct one. There are many varieties, including trick or "stunt" kites.

Keep these safety tips in mind when flying kites:
-Never fly kites near power lines.
-Steer clear of trees and other large objects which could tangle your kite.
-Pay attention to where you are going and not just the kite- don't forget to look down from the kite at your surroundings and direction of travel periodically (if you are not stationary).
-Wear the right shoes for your outing. Wear tennis shoes which will support your feet and ankles and will not come off when running or playing with your kite. These will also protect your feet from debris on the ground.
-Wear sunscreen and sunglasses to protect your skin and eyes. Don't look directly at the sun since you will be looking skyward to track you kite.

We hope this long-time favorite will give you an idea for teaching your children to lead an active life. Outdoor activities and exercise are one of the best things you can do for your family's overall and foot health. If any member of your family experiences pain in or an injury to their feet or ankles, please do not hesitate to call us. Pain prevents you from enjoying your normal activities, and from getting the exercise your body needs to stay healthy. We look forward to helping you find relief and enjoy your spring!

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