Monday, November 15, 2010

Reduce Swelling in Your Feet & Legs

Swelling in your lower leg and foot is called peripheral edema.  This condition is not painful, but it can be uncomfortable and the swelling can make it difficult to put on socks and shoes.  This can also cause your shoes to not fit properly.  The swelling can be caused by sitting or standing for long periods of time, pregnancy, or a more serious condition such as chronic venous, kidney or liver disease.  Here are some suggestions on how to reduce your swelling at home.  If your swelling does not go away, you will need to seek medical attention.

Reduce your sodium.  High sodium intake can contribute to swelling by causing your body to retain water.  Convenience foods such as fast food, microwave meals, and processed meats tend to be higher in salt and should be avoided when you are experiencing swelling.  You also want to avoid adding any salt to your foods to prevent any additional swelling.

Drink plenty of water.  On an average, you need eight glasses of water per day.  Water not only keeps you hydrated but it also helps flush any excess sodium from the body.  This helps reduce the selling in your feet and legs.  You want to avoid drinks that contain caffeine, because these types of drinks contain sodium which will cause you to retain fluids.

Elevate your feet everyday.  When you elevate your feet, this will encourage the fluid to flow away from your feet and legs.  This will help reduce swelling.  You should lay down and elevate your legs above the heart for best results.

Wear support hosiery.  Wearing support hose or socks will help stimulate circulation.  Not only does this type of hosiery encourage circulation, it also compresses swelling to minimize the uncomfortable effects.

Get up and move.  If you are seated for an extended period of time, you should get up and take a small walk.  Walking will encourage circulation and fluid movement in the legs.  This will help pump the fluid away from your legs and feet and back to your heart.  Standing for long periods of time can also cause your legs and feet to swell.  So make sure you takes breaks in standing and have a seat and elevate your legs.  This will also help reduce the swelling.

Diabetics need to take special care of their feet.  Swelling of the feet is a sign that there is a problem with circulation in the body which can lead to neuropathy.  Neuropathy is having nerve damage in the extremities.  When this situation becomes serious, it can lead to amputation of a foot or leg.  Diabetics should check their feet every day and visit their doctor on a regular basis to have them examined to guard against this serious problem.

If you have swelling in your feet that needs attention and want to schedule your appointment with Dr. Vail, you can give us a call at 419-423-1888.  You can also visit our website at for more information.

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