Looking for more foot-related games or activities? Try hacky sack! This game is very simple: two or more people form a circle and try to keep a cloth bag filled with rice, plastic pellets, sand or some other material off the ground without using their hands. This means that a participant can use his or her feet, knees, chest, shoulders, head, and even their back- anything goes as long as hands are not involved. This game is a great way to fill up some time, as well as improving balance and coordination. Elements have been added to the game, such as stalls. Stalls are when a person uses their body to completely stop the motion of the bag. Tricks are also popular, like learning how to kick the bag over one's head, or kicking the bag upwards behind one's back.
The game originated in 1972 by Mike Marshall and John Stalberger in Oregon City, Oregon. The two met when Mike noticed John was kicking a homemade bean bag around as a way to rehabilitate his knee after an injury. The two marketed the bags themselves, and eventually sold the product to Wham-O toy manufacturing. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest circle ever formed to play this game was 946 people and the longest hacky sack game lasted 20hours and 34minutes. The game, which was played in Chino, California in 1998, had 132,011 consecutive kicks without the bag hitting the ground.
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